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Writer's pictureViktor Fersht

Experiments on transferring DNA information from one person to another

Updated: Mar 12


The experiments were carried out at the Zepter Medical Center, Belgrade and at the Nanotechnology Laboratory of the Belgrade University on January 15 and 16, 2024.

The experiments were supervised by: at the University of Belgrade, professor, Dr. Djuro Koruga, and at the Zepter Medical Clinic, professor at the Institute of global health programs implementation, Belgrade, Serbia, doctor of clinical psychology Viktor Fersht.

International observers took part in the experiments: Dr. Professor Li Haibao from China technology exchange and Dr. Professor Ljiljana Marković from the European Center of the United Nations University for Peace.

At the Zepter Medical Clinic, the experiment was carried out by doctors of Zepter clinic Dr. Zlatica Kecić and Dr. Aleksandra Vasiljević.

For the experiments, epithelial scrapings in the form of mucous cells were taken from the inside of the cheeks of four people (two women, 24 and 30 years old, and two men, 21 and 32 years old). Before this, they all underwent a full medical examination, which did not reveal any significant deviations from health standards.

DNA was isolated from the collected biological samples using the polymerase chain reaction method.

Each of the resulting DNA was added to fullerene cream, provided specifically for the experiment by the head of the Serbian company NanoWorld, professor at the University of Belgrade, Dr. Djuro Koruga.

The resulting mixtures of DNA and fullerene cream were placed in 4 glass vessels coated with a transparent fullerene nano-film produced by NanoWorld.

Then each of these vessels with DNA-fullerene mixtures was installed at a distance of one meter in front of people at whom the beam of the Bioptron/Zepter hyperpolarized light therapy device was directed.

The Bioptron beam passed through a transparent vessel with a DNA/fullerene mixture and hit certain areas of the human body.

In accordance with the above references to the studies of various medical specialists from around the world, as well as according to the theory of quantum medicine, a beam of hyperpolarized light with a fullerene filter was supposed to interact with DNA/fullerene in a fullerene vessel, and then transmit information about the state of healthy DNA from the vessel into the damaged DNA of the human object of radiation.

The experiments involved 12 people with various diseases for the purpose of cure, as well as middle-aged and elderly people for the purpose of rejuvenation.

Experiment results:

Each of the people - participants in the experiment - objects of healthy DNA information transfer - received one 30-minute session over 3 days.

- The subjects of the experiment are people with various diseases out of 6 people.

  Results: significant improvement in well-being and disappearance of severe symptoms of diseases - 4 people. Slight improvement in well-being and reduction in severe symptoms of disease – 2 people.

- The subjects of the experiment are middle-aged and elderly people taking part in the experiment in order to rejuvenate the body - 6 people.

Results: Two experimental subjects showed significant signs of improvement in general well-being, metabolism, skin condition, mobility, breathing, sleep, sexual function (libido) and interest in life.

One of the subjects showed no significant physiological results, but improved cognitive abilities and sleep.

One of the subjects who set themselves the goal of reducing body weight lost 6 kg on the fourth day after the experiment.


Preliminary conclusions

Information about the DNA of a healthy person can probably be transferred to the damaged DNA of another person using hyperpolarized light with a fullerene filter. In this case, a mixture of healthy DNA with fullerene cream must be used in a strictly defined proportion.

Healthy DNA information likely corrects damaged DNA, which can lead to recovery or rejuvenation of the target organism.

What is this experiment based on?

Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier announced the possibility of quantum teleportation of DNA

Quantum teleportation is the only currently existing and scientifically proven type of teleportation. It does not transmit matter or energy over a distance, but is capable of transporting information.

The basis for quantum teleportation is the existence of the so-called quantum entanglement - a phenomenon in which the state of several objects is described only in relation to each other. In the case of quantum entanglement, changes made to one of the objects immediately affect the other, even if they are significantly separated in space.

Until now, scientists have not been able to experimentally carry out quantum teleportation of organic structures.

However, on January 12, 2011, French virologist Dr. Luc Montagnier announced that he was able to obtain evidence that a DNA molecule is capable of transmitting the electromagnetic fingerprint of its structure to cells and liquids at a distance, writes New Scientist. Montagnier is best known as the 2008 Nobel Prize winner in physiology or medicine and the discoverer of HIV.

Full information about the experiment is not yet available, but its main idea is as follows. Two test tubes were placed inside a copper coil and were exposed to a weak electromagnetic field of extremely low frequency. The apparatus was isolated from the Earth's natural magnetic field to exclude its influence on the experiment. One of the test tubes contained a DNA fragment about 100 base pairs long, the second contained pure water.

After 16-18 hours, the samples were independently subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This method is typically used to detect and isolate DNA using enzymes that synthesize multiple copies of the original material. As a result of PCR, DNA fragments were detected in both test tubes, despite the fact that one of them contained pure water.

Physicists on Montagnier's team theorize that DNA emits electromagnetic waves that form an imprint of the molecule's structure in water. This structure, they say, is maintained and enhanced by quantum coherence, and because it mimics the original DNA molecule, PCR enzymes use it as a template to synthesize new molecules.

It is difficult to understand how information can be stored in water for such a long time. Montagnier's colleague, theoretical physicist Giuseppe Vitiello from the University of Salerno in Italy, is confident that the result is reliable.

Links to sources of information for the experiment:

Computational Investigation of Fullerene-DNA Interactions: Implications of Fullerene’s Size, and Functionalization on DNA Structure and Binding Energetics

Interaction pattern of fullerene family with different forms of DNA

Mechanism of taq DNA polymerase inhibition by fullerene derivatives: insight from computer simulations

Связывание фуллерена C60 с ДНК

Hybrid fullerene conjugates as vectors for DNA cell-delivery

Перенос заряда в молекуле ДНК в рамках простой модели открытой квантовой системы

DNA as classical and quantum information system: Implication to gene expression in normal and cancer cells

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Viktor Fersht

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