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Igor Kondrashin

Bogoljub Karic – Goodwill Ambassadors of Philosophers of the Peace

On March 22, 2024, a meeting of international experts on global development of the world was held at the UN headquarters in Geneva.

The organizer of the meeting, the Expert Club of the Global Forum Ecumene, is currently a unified discussion platform for solving key problems of long-term sustainable development of the world economy, harmonizing and improving the financial agenda, developing new approaches to implementing the main tasks in the climate direction and other significant international initiatives for sustainable development.

The Ecumene Global Forum is an authoritative platform for discussing key issues in the long-term sustainable development of the world economy, harmonizing and improving the financial agenda, and developing new approaches to implementing the main challenges facing humanity.


More than 2 thousand experts from around the world took part in the meeting, held in a hybrid format. Speakers at the meeting:Tatiana Valovaya – Director-General, UN Geneva;  Gennady Gatilov – Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva; Fernand Burgeon – Director of the FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in Geneva;  Milos Jovanovic – President, OpenLink Group (Serbia);  Jorge Laguna-Celis – Head of the UN One Planet Network Secretariat;  Gabriella Marcelja – CEO of the SG Impact Ventures AG (Switzerland), President of the SIRIUS GLOBAL;  Lydia Mikheeva – Secretary of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Council (Head) of the Private Law Research Centre under the President of the Russian Federation; Erik Solheim – The Sixth UN Environment Programme Executive Director, Under-SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations;  Reyna Ubeda – Project Officer at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). John Aggrey – Founder & CEO of HIRED Consult, Member of the Friends for Leadership;  Roman Chukov – Chair of the Council, Centre for International Promotion Fund;  Regine Stephanie Borja Guevara – Producer, Asia TV;  Sameh Kamel – Organizing Partner, UN Major Group for Children and Youth;  Tomasz Małodobry – Deputy Dean of the International Faculty, European University of Medical and Social Sciences in Warsaw;  Gabriella Marcelja – CEO of the SG Impact Ventures AG (Switzerland), President of the SIRIUS GLOBAL; David Okpatuma – Co-Founder, DevCA Initiative (Nigeria);  Zekai Wang – CEO, YouTHINK China. H.E. Dr. Danilo Turk – Former President of the Republic of Slovenia, Chairman Global High-Level Panel on Water Peace; Viktor Fersht  director of international programs of Brother Karic foundation, official representative of Soviet Peace Fund in UN; Mahir Aliyev – Regional Coordinator at UNEP;  Natasha Carmi – Lead Water Specialist, Geneva Water Hub;  Hwirin Kim – Chief of the Hydrological and Water Resources Services Division, WMO;

Rukan Manaz – Program Specialist, United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF); Lilia Naas – Expert on the Maghreb, Member of the Maghreb Economic Forum, (Chief Office for the Middle East and North Africa at ITC).


The world is facing a triple crisis: biodiversity loss, climate change and pollution. The United Nations, states, businesses, scientific community and civil society are jointly looking for options for the future sustainable development of our planet. Special attention is paid to maintaining dialogue within the framework of UN conventions and programmes, and the creation of new initiatives of the organization is becoming critical. The development of technologies, especially in the sphere of artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data analysis, cloud computing, robotics, and blockchain technology are changing the economic, financial and political systems of the world.


The introduction of artificial intelligence creates new jobs and opens up new opportunities for the younger generation. This approach helps businesses attract and develop talent and build a strong, smart, socially competent organization. You need to invest in employee and team training, it's a whole new vision of workforce and talent attraction in which it's important to invest your own time, effort and financial resources. The era of artificial intelligence will require additional professional education. To meet these challenges, we need a young, talented generation that can become the most educated, most skilled and most productive workforce in the world. We need to develop and implement technology. With the help of a technical solution, people's jobs will change and develop, creating new, additional professions, opportunities for work and creativity.

Machines are human partners, they help us stay successful, give us more time and opportunities to be creative, find additional incredible things we can organize or do. We need to understand the benefits of humans and machines working together, how to use artificial intelligence in business and gain strategic advantages, and how to create a smarter and more intelligent organization. This should be a collaborative effort in which machines and humans can be more effective together, addressing global threats that would probably not otherwise be addressed.


The next generation of leaders in global sustainable development are those who are already implementing projects and programs aimed at building long-term and strong bridges between countries in order to establish cooperation and achieve synergy from working together at the intersection of different areas. In the context of large-scale geopolitical changes, cooperation among young leaders who understand their responsibility for the fate of the world is becoming critically important. Representatives of Friends for Leadership and the UN Major Group on Children and Youth will share their best practices in achieving the 2030 SDGs, as well as ideas on the necessary global efforts to continue constructive, collaborative global development into 2050 and beyond. In addition, the panelists will share plans for participation in key international events of the year, including Ecumene Global Forum and the Summit of the Future under the auspices of the UN.


One of the round tables is dedicated to the World Water Day. The main topic of discussion will be the role of water in promoting peace, cooperation and stability, as well as identifying potential areas for sustainable investment in water projects. We need to focus our joint efforts on achieving Goal #6 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which aims to provide water and sanitation for all by 2030. We plan to discuss sensitive and complex issues related to the global water crisis and climate change, highlight new priorities for action to ensure sustainable development, propose new tools for science and water diplomacy, and focus on financial innovations that facilitate water cooperation. The key factors become the need to take into account water diplomacy and its advantages as a tool for achieving peace and cooperation, demonstrating leading examples of overcoming barriers and strengthening business partnerships in the field of water and climate change, building youth initiatives for an inclusive sustainable future, and strengthening cooperation of international experts on issues related to water and climate agenda

Moderator of discussions was Sergey Rybakov – Ecumene Programme Director.

Serbia was represented by Milos Jovanovic – President, OpenLink Group and Viktor Fersht - Director of international programs of Brother Karic foundation.

Both speakers emphasized the importance of international cooperation within the framework of public diplomacy, the protection of human rights and the education of new future leaders among youth.

Vikitor Fersht noted the enormous role in the protection of human rights and in resolving military conflicts in the Balkan countries of the famous Serbian philanthropist and founder of the BK Foundacia Foundation, Bogoljub Karic. Recently in Greece, at the World Philosophical Forum, Bogoljub Karic was elected President of the International Nikola Tesla Committee. The energy of Nikola Tesla has always been and will be the energy of peace and the creation of new material and spiritual resources, which are so lacking in our lives today. Victor Fersht, on behalf of Bogolyub Karic, proposed holding several new conferences in 2024 as part of public diplomacy. An international symposium will be held in Belgrade: Public diplomacy to prevent nuclear war, and international conferences with the tentative title: Philosophy of water diplomacy of non-governmental organizations - the path to peace will be held in China and the Arab Emirates.

Bogolyub Karic's proposals were unanimously supported by all participants in the meeting.

Considering the great merits of Bogoljub Karić and his like-mindedness and assistant in strengthening international relations Milanka Karić, the World Philosophical Forum awarded Bogoljub Karić and Milanka Karić the titles of Goodwill Ambassador of Philosophers of the Peace.

 World Philosophical Forum News

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