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Nano-technology for health

Writer's picture: Anna MedkovaAnna Medkova

Professor Đuro Koruga: Nanotechnologies are a turning point in boring human creativity

A world-renowned expert in the field of nanotechnology, Professor Đuro Koruga says that he has been interested in technology since childhood, grew up with a steam engine, and graduating from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering only continued to deepen his knowledge.

Today, he believes that nanotechnologies are one of the most revolutionary inventions, after fire and the wheel that once upon a time changed human civilization.

In an interview for "Politika" prof. Dr. Đuro Koruga explains how he sees the development of nanotechnologies and their application.

What intrigued you and how did you become involved in research in the field of nanotechnology?

Several factors influenced my involvement in nanotechnologies. During my studies, I became interested in the relationship between man and machine, so as an engineer, I should have looked at the possibilities of their optimal functioning, that is, their cooperation both in production engineering, the creation of new machines and in biomedical engineering. This could not be done if you do not know the functioning of the human body well. From the molecular, nano level to the functioning of the organism as a whole. In order to adequately respond to these challenges as an engineer, I had to devote myself to the study of biological systems from a systems perspective, which led to a joint doctorate at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Medicine at the University of Belgrade. Secondly, in education you should have good teachers, teachers and professors who should not only teach you the teaching material but also motivate you to learn new things by their example. I was lucky enough to have several excellent teachers in primary and secondary school, as well as in university, who were not only looking for knowledge, but also for answers to questions. And that approach led to the development of imagination, which was a prerequisite for creativity. And the third is luck, when you are in the right place at the right time. If I hadn't spent time in the USA and Japan in the early 1980s, where nanotechnologies were started, I probably wouldn't have been involved in this field.

Which so far known invention is a counterpart to achievements in the field of nanotechnology?

Nanotechnologies are a turning point in boring human creation. If we exclude the greatest achievements in the development of human civilization such as the mastery of fire and the invention of the wheel, then the discovery of the rotating magnetic field and nuclear energy are what nanotechnologies can be compared to. Why? Well, we should know that classical and quantum effects of matter interpenetrate at the nano level. The creation of quantum devices and computers combined with artificial intelligence will open up opportunities to discover new methods and create new techniques that may have unfathomable consequences for human creativity. But, just as nuclear energy can be used for human well-being, and also for destruction, so nanotechnology can be used to improve diagnostics and therapy, but also to destroy the functioning of our organism, both physiologically and mentally. Therefore, in education and upbringing, more attention must be paid to the development of holiness, ethics in life, that is, mental hygiene and health. We must not allow a "dinosaur" type of civilization, a huge body (a frantic race for material goods and money), and a small head-brain (insufficient knowledge of how to use what we have created in an adequate way).

How important is nanotechnology in terms of improving people's quality of life?

Bearing in mind that the basic biological processes take place at the biomolecular cellular level, ie at the nano level, the importance of nanotechnological devices for the repair of these structures and cells is extremely important. Also, nanotechnological substances that have the same symmetry type of electronic states, vibrational, rotational and translational dynamics as biomolecules can be of great importance. If they could make such substances that could act on the repair of telomeres, it would be possible to slow down aging and extend human life span up to 120 years. Also, aging could be slowed down if the method of "water-based nanomedicine" were developed and the speed of signal transmission through water was regulated, which are responsible for the synchronization and destruction of processes in the human body. In youth, the speed of synchronization signals is faster, but in middle age, destruction signals begin to prevail, they become faster, so that in later years they lead to the biological death of the organism.

In which segments are the most significant applications of nanotechnologies?

Nanotechnologies can be used in almost all fields. For now, research and possible application for military purposes are leading the way. In the automotive industry, the creation of thin layers on the "bodywork" of a car, so that the car cannot be damaged by scratching. Or making a windshield with such nano pores that it is adhesive the force is so small that dust and raindrops slide by themselves, without wipers, leaving clean windows. In dentistry for implants, oral hygiene. In ophthalmology as well, because nanophotonic materials can be used to make lenses that change the spectrum of incoming light so that an optical spectrum is created that does not damage eye structures and is much more compatible with neurophysiological processes in the brain. In the aviation and space industry, nano fibers are created that are lighter and have much better elasticity, wear resistance, and heating. In addition to applications in medicine, better diagnostics based on image contrast improvement or melanoma therapy, one of the most important applications is in cosmetics.

In your opinion, does Serbia have enough researchers in this field?

Many faculties and institutes in Serbia have researchers and laboratories dealing with nanotechnologies. For example, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade has had equipment for nanotechnology research since 1992, and since 2006 has also had a course in this field. A large number of students who received basic knowledge in nanotechnologies graduated, but also a smaller number, about 30-40, who worked on their master's and doctoral theses in this field. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade is the home for nanotechnologies and biomedical engineering at the University of Belgrade. At other faculties in Serbia, there are teachers who deal with nanotechnologies. However, research has not been synchronized for years, nor has it been adequately financed by the state. The economy is not at the stage where it can finance the development and application of nanotechnologies.

Where are we positioned in relation to the world?

At the beginning of the 90s, we were in the top five laboratories in the world. In April 1992, in the NanoLab at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade, we recorded the molecule C60 with atomic resolution, and a year later we published the first book on nanotechnology with four other scientists from the USA. And then came the sanctions and social hardships that significantly affected further research not only in this area but in general. We held on as long as we could, we maintained a glimmer of hope for a better "tomorrow", until 2006, when we revived because nanotechnology projects began to be financed by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development, and a weak "tailwind" appeared from domestic and foreign investors. However, in 2018, there will be a significant boost to the development of products based on nanotechnology. We managed to develop, patent and produce a nano-quantum substance for cosmetics and biomedical applications. A particularly interesting nanotechnological product are nanophotonic lenses, both for everyday use and for ophthalmology purposes. This resulted in us having five patents in this field, and we also received several world awards for products based on nanotechnology.

If you could imagine where we will be in 5, 10, 20 years in this area, we as Serbia, but also we as humanity?

It is difficult to answer this question correctly, but we can encourage readers to "dream" too. First of all, it should be said that today nanotechnologies are in the "stone age" state. As for the world, the investments of both the state and the private sector of certain countries such as America, Russia, China, Japan are huge. Now there are already things based on nanotechnology that we will find out about only in 10-15 years, these are products for space and military needs, but also products in the field of quantum computers and medicine. As for Serbia, we will try not to be "kicked out of the game", and it is very difficult to predict what our position will be on the world stage.

Politica, Serbia, 20.06.2023

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